Pre-Cooked French Fries Industrial Line



Composed of the following equipment

1 - TANK OF RECEPTION WITH ELEVATOR. Of product in bulk, which feeds in constant form and uniform to the peeler.Capacity of rise, regulative feeding, keeping a flow with continuous steady, independent of the attention of the operator. Superior funnel with gratings for land separation. Floodgate of pneumatic scarcity. Total construction in stainless steel.

2 - PEELING SYSTEM OF AUTOMATIC PNEUMATIC DRIVE. Superior funnel for load and discharge of the to be processed product. The time of peels can vary of 30 seconds (potatoes recem harvested) the 50 seconds (stored potatoes).


Drive by means of superior engine-motor reducer, that prevents the water entrance in the engine and prevents any type of consuming and maintenance. Finished the time of peeled the potato it is deposited in the tank of storage, which by means of a helicoide raises them until the entrance of the inspection table. Total construction in enclosed stainless steel the structure. Peeled capacity of of up to 90 Bags/hour of natural potato .

3 - TANK OF RECEPTION WITH ELEVATOR. It holds back the product proceeding from the peeling and feeds in constant form and uniform in the following equipment



Washed funnel for of the peeled products. Drive for reducing motion. Regulable speed to control the entrance of product in the production line. Total construction in stainless steel. LINE CONTINUOUS BRUSH . To give a peeled final finishing of. Multiple brushs of vain lineal band removing the untied skin. In the inferior part a collector of water and dirt. In the superior part peaks aspersores for water injection on the product.

5 - TABLE OF INSPECTION and ELECTION. For manual inspection of the peeled products. Central plastic mat which carries the selected products to the posterior process.


Steel Stainless laterals to carry through the manual work of daily pay cut, election, etc. Inferior mat belt for withdrawal of the product that is is of the specification of the quality and its posterior discarding.

Total construction in stainless steel and sanitary materials.

6 - TANK OF RECEPTION WITH ELEVATOR. It holds back the product proceeding from the election table and feeds in constant form and uniform in the following equipment. Drive for reducing motion.


Regulative speed to control the entrance of product in the posterior equipment. Total construction in stainless steel.

7 – CUBS Molder model DS. Centrifugal slicer for cut of slices with thickness regulator. Transversal cut for production of batons by means of knives mounted on a rotating drum.


Width of the canal of cut of 160 mm. Construction in stainless steel AISI 304, sanitary aluminum and plastics. Installed power 2 HP with electric characteristics the order. The equipment if delivery prepared for cut of 10 cubes of x 10 mm. Approach production: 2.000 kg/hour potatoes cubes of 9 mm., by means of feeding continues.

8 - TRANSPORTING MAT OF RISE. It receives the products that leave the cubes molder and it carries them until the entrance from the classifier. Structure has also supported constructed in steel plate inox Aisi 304, with feet of squared pipe of 50 steel x 50 mm inox Aisi 304. Transporting mat of sanitary white plastic. Drive for reducing engine.

. For separation of shavings, made up of some coils, with helical groove, that turns in contrary direction System of superior water bathing. Drive for reducing engine and gear. Rolls protecting of the action of the water. Construction in stainless steel.

10 - HORIZONTAL VIBRATORY BOLTER. For classification of the potatoes sticks in its fulfillment. Regulative horizontal vibratory system, by means of motor-vibrator. Construction of all the parts in contact with the product in stainless, enclosed steel the structure has supported.

11 - CONTINUE BLANCHER . System of potatoes whiteness for immersion in hot, warm water for internal coil in steel pipe steel stainless, valve of manual regulation of the vapor flow, (vapor of your provision). Time of the whiteness regulative. Accessories for feeding of drinkable water and superior drain for maintenance of the water level in stainless steel 304. Drive by means of reducing motion, with variation of speed, for regulation of the potato white process time.

12 - TRANSPORTING MAT. It receives the products that leave the Blancher and it carries them until the entrance from the Drier. Structure has also supported constructed in steel plate Stainless Steel type Aisi 304, with feet of squared pipe of 50 steel x 50 mm Stainless Steel Aisi 304. Transporting mat of sanitary white plastic. Drive for reducing engine.


For extraction of the superficial water and reduction of the humidity of the product that leaves blancher. By means of forced air injection The equipment counts on two mats which receive the injection from hot air of above for low e of low for above, homogenization dried of the potato. renewal of made air and by means of forced ventilation. Heating of air by means of coil the vapor (vapor of your provision). Control of temperature for sensors and valves of automatic drive.

14 - TRANSPORTER HOMOGENIZATOR. It receives the products that leave the oven and it carries them until the entrance from the fryer. Structure has also supported constructed in steel plate stainless steel Aisi 304, with feet of squared pipe of 50 steel x 50 mm Stainless Steel Aisi 304. Transporting mat of sanitary white plastic. Drive for reducing engine.

15 – CONTINUOUS FRIER  model FRIT-500P. For a capacity of 500 kg/hour of Potato Daily pay Fries. The equipment consists of a rectangular deposit, with a horizontal transporting mat with a sector inclined for the extraction of the product, with chains to both sides, (constructed total in stainless steel). Defendant by means of reducing engine with transmission for chains. Time of regulative frying by means of electronic variation of the speed of the mat. For daily or periodic cleanness if it makes use of a rise system that allows to raise the transporter over the fryer. On the transporting mat a supported cover that can be removed, forms a tunnel that conserves the heat and leads vapors to a mouth of exit from which the customer places an extraction chimney.


Thermal isolation of all the area of frying and exterior finishing in brushed plate. Sector of heating constructed in steel aisi 316. The heating is made to put half of heat irradiation bars of an innovative system of thermal transference. Automatic gas burner, with electronic control of regulative temperature, electronic firing and sensors of security. The command if carries through through a panel that the totality of the functions of command by means of the electronic variation of the speed of the transporting mat centers, temperature controller, etc. with luminous pointers of functioning. Average time of frying: the 45 90 seconds.

16 - COOLER I CONTINUE. For cooling of potatoes the ambient temperature before following for the freezing tunnel. Cooling the bars of a ventilation system, to diminish the temperature. Construction of all the parts in contact with the product in stainless steel.

17 - TANKS OF FAT. Two raised tanks to supply the fryer with fat, and to proceed the accumulation from fat when effected the cleanness of the fryer. Total construction in stainless steel, of cylindrical form, with inferior cone for accumulation of impurities. Superior entrance for fat load, lateral exit for load to the fryer and inferior exit for discharge of impurities. Superior cover in two parts. Three legs of support, for rise of the tank, discharge of fat for gravity to the fryer.

18 - ELECTRIC PANEL OF CENTERED COMMAND. with all the functions of functioning and security guard to bind, disconnect, light watch, thermal electromagnetic and protective contactors, indicating of temperatures, speed governors, etc. correspondent to each one of the machines of the installed line.


GUARANTEE: All equipment of the BRAZILFOODTEC & Group is inspected and tested when leaving the line of production, being guaranteed against defects of material or manufacture for 12 months, from the date of formal bill of sale, considering period of 8hs/day service. Inside of the period of guarantee, the equipment and its components that, present proven defects of manufacture, will be fixed or substituted in the installations of the BrazilFoodTec & Group, without responsibility for the customer, being, however, its incumbency, the costs of sending and devolution (transport) of the equipment. Having necessity of displacement of one technician until the place where if it finds the equipment, the costs of transport, meals and lodging will be for account of the purchaser. The Guarantee has not covered resultant losses, damages or losses of profits of the impossibility of use of the

INSTALLATION And FUNCTIONING: You scheme them will be carried to put account of the purchaser until the place of the installations, leveled and settled to put its staff as thus also connected the water entrances, to the gas (GLP) and sewer. The electric linkings of the handles since the panel of control until each one of the engines will be in the same way. The vapor conduits until the entrance of each equipment will be the position of the purchaser. Technician specialized of the selling firm will give to the necessary instructions for the correct assembly of each equipment and the corresponding linkings, without cost for the part purchaser for the period of 4 (four) working days daylight of 08 hours, except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Days you add will be to put account of the purchaser the reasons of USD 200,00 to put day/operator. The terrestrial or aerial tickets, stay, food and have supper of the staff technician correspond to the purchaser. The part purchaser will provide the plants of the building in which will be installed the equipment, and will deliver the salesman who will indicate the measures where the purchaser will have to prepare the different conditions for the assembly services. Since already in them we place your entire disposal to analyze together the real possibilities for a project with low cost, high productivity and great profitability

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